René Holm, Signed Copy LIMITED
Signed Copy
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RELEASE: May 2024
As a visual artist, René Holm divides his working life between Denmark and Berlin, and the coming year marks 25 years as a professional artist. René's career has been characterized by extensive exhibition activity, both at home and abroad - including solo exhibitions at Trapholt Art Museum, Vestjyllands Artpavillon, Vrå Art Museum, Kunstpakhuset Ikast, TRAFO Museum (Poland).
René's works can be found in museum collections at e.g. Trapholt and Art, Aalborg.
The book
When the society was closed down in 2020, the forced break from otherwise vigorous exhibition activity gave René an opportunity to explore new perspectives in his painting, with a specific starting point in new materials. Today he works with pigment colors on untreated cotton – a detour from oil painting, which has opened new channels in his expression. The new works were exhibited for the first time in 2022 at Galleri Benoni (Kbh), and since then i.a. in Sydney, Berlin and Munich, as well as at Enter Art Fair. The reception the works have received has cemented a desire to continue working with the same process, and to mark the work in a book publication.
The publication will contain work from recent years, and will unite and emphasize the overall expression and the existential themes that connect the paintings. At the same time, the book will mark René's 25th anniversary as an exhibiting artist.
The paintings represent a time and a approach that has sprung from life's unexpected obstacles and reprogrammings. A time that, with all its uncertainty, has turned out to be only the prelude to a collective new perception of the world. The new paintings seek to draw that experience in at a very close level and it is René's desire to share and pass on the feeling from the work to an audience, in book form.
Som billedkunstner fordeler René Holm sit arbejdsliv mellem Danmark og Berlin, og det kommende år markerer 25 år som professionel kunstner. Renés karriere har været præget af omfattende udstillings-aktivitet, i både ind og udland – deriblandt soloudstillinger på Trapholt Kunstmuseum, Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon, Vrå Kunstmuseum, Kunstpakhuset Ikast, TRAFO museet (Polen).
Renés værker er at finde i museumssamlinger på bl.a. Trapholt og Kunsten, Aalborg.
Da samfundet blev lukket ned i 2020, gav den tvungne pause fra ellers heftig udstillingsaktivitit, René en mulighed for at afsøge nye perspektiver sit maleri, med specifikt udgangspunkt i nye materialer. I dag arbejder han med pigmentfarver på ubehandlet bomuld – en detour fra oliemaleriet, som har åbnet nye kanaler i sit udtryk. De nye værker blev udstillet for første gang i 2022 på Galleri Benoni (Kbh), og sidenhen bl.a. i Sydney, Berlin og München, samt på Enter Art Fair. Modtagelsen værkerne har fået, har cementeret et ønske om at arbejde videre med samme proces, og at dokumentere/markere arbejdet i en bogudgivelse.
Udgivelsen vil indeholde værker fra de seneste års arbejde, og vil forene og understrege det samlede udtryk, og de eksistentielle tematikker der forbinder malerierne. Samtidig vil bogen markere Renés 25-års jubilæum som udstillende kunstner.
Værkerne repræsenterer en tid og et arbejde, som er udsprunget af livets uventede forhindringer og omprogrammeringer. En tid der med al sin uvished, har vist sig kun at være optakten til en kollektiv ny-opfattelse af verden. De nye malerier søger at trække den oplevelse ind på helt nært plan og det er Renés ønske at dele og videregive fornemmelsen fra arbejdet til et publikum, i bogform.
Title: René Holm
Author: Karina Chernenko
Book design by Nicolai Bejder Studio
Hardcover fullbind
25 x 33 cm
192 pages
1st edition
ISBN: 978-87-974497-4-5
Co Published International with DCV - Berlin